Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Fired Up! Open the Windows

 Like the disciples on Pentecost, we often need to open the windows of our lives and let God's Spirit encourage, enlighten and empower us (Acts 2, John 14)


Thursday, June 2, 2022

Remembrance Rocks

 Like Joshua and the people who experienced God's promise to be with them as they crossed the Jordan River into the Promise Land and then set up Remembrance Rocks to remind them of that moment, we also need to memorialize special moments and pass them on to the next generation (Joshua 4:1-18, Ephesians 2:19-21) 


Thursday, May 26, 2022

Fundamentals for Life

 As we celebrate a milestone of life, the Apostle Paul offers a profound and practical note on the fundamentals of life (Romans 12:9-13)


Thursday, May 19, 2022

New Beginnings-Jesus Forgives and Restores

 Like many of us Peter struggled with failure and regret and went fishing with some friends, but Jesus appears and offers him as well as us the promise to forgive and restore (John 21)


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

John: New Beginnings-Jesus Guides and Provides

 Like many of us Peter struggled with failure and regret and went fishing with some friends, but Jesus appeared and offered them as well as us the promise to guide and provide (John 21:1-14)


Thursday, April 28, 2022

John-New Beginnings-Feel the Touch

 Thomas missed out when Jesus appeared that first Easter and like so many of us he struggled with doubt, but Jesus appeared the following Sunday and rather than scolding him, Jesus offered Thomas a touch that transformed his doubt to faith.  Jesus also offers each of us a touch that can transform our lives and bring faith when we too struggle with doubt (John 20:24-31).


Thursday, April 21, 2022

Easter: New Beginnings-The Divine Gardener

 On the first Easter morning, Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene who at first thinks him to be the gardener.  Perhaps she was more right than wrong, as Jesus in many ways is the Divine Gardener who brings a new creation and a fresh start for al of us (John 20:1-18).


Monday, April 18, 2022

Easter Sunrise: New Beginnings-The Stone Is Rolled Away

 Like Mary, many times we have to take a step of faith in the dark so we can celebrate in the light. Mary's walk of faith in darkness and doubt was transformed as she discovered the dawn of a new beginning when she saw the stone rolled away revealing an empty tomb and a Risen Lord (John 20:1-18).


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Seven Signs of John-The Sign of Raising Lazarus

 In one of the most moving and profound moments of his earthly ministry, Jesus comforts Mary and Martha in their grief, even weeping with them, before calling Lazarus back to life and calling us to see beyond the moment (John11)
