Like Mary, many times we have to take a step of faith in the dark so we can celebrate in the light. Mary's walk of faith in darkness and doubt was transformed as she discovered the dawn of a new beginning when she saw the stone rolled away revealing an empty tomb and a Risen Lord (John 20:1-18).
podcastMonday, April 18, 2022
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Seven Signs of John-The Sign of Raising Lazarus
In one of the most moving and profound moments of his earthly ministry, Jesus comforts Mary and Martha in their grief, even weeping with them, before calling Lazarus back to life and calling us to see beyond the moment (John11)
podcastFriday, April 8, 2022
Dining with Jesus-Breakfast on the Beach-Jesus Cooks Up Forgiveness
Like Peter we often feel weighed down by failure and want to go back to some familiar place in the past, but Jesus comes to us and offers us forgiveness, restoration, and a new future (John 21).
podcastWednesday, April 6, 2022
Dining with Jesus-Feeding the Multitude
In this story we see Jesus seeing the needs of those around him and challenging the disciples to stretch their faith. Like the disciples we often feel overwhelmed and under resourced by the needs around us, but like the boy who offered what little he had in the way of loaves and fish we can discover abundance to touch multitudes through the blessing of Jesus (John 6:1-14)
podcastFriday, April 1, 2022
Seven Signs of John-The Sign of the Man Born Blind
A sign for John is not just a miracle but also a miracle with a message. In this scripture we look at Jesus healing the man born blind and reflect on how Jesus sometimes challenges us to take a step of faith in the dark to help us grow (John 9:1-39).
podcastFriday, March 25, 2022
Dining with Jesus-Dinner at Bethany with Mary and Martha
In this story we find Jesus sharing dinner with Mary and Martha. Martha is stressed and worried about dong lots of things but Jesus points to an even more important truth that Mary has discovered and we can too! (Luke 10:38-42)
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Seven Signs of John-The Sign of Jesus Walking on the Water
A sign for John is not just a miracle but also a miracle plus a message. In this scripture we look at the sign of Jesus walking on the water and reflect on how Jesus comes to us in the storms of life (John 6:15-24).
podcastMonday, March 21, 2022
Dining with Jesus-Dinner with Zacchaeus
When we think of Jesus, we often think of him teaching to multitudes or working miracles, however some of the most profound and personal ministry of Jesus took place around a table. In this story we find Jesus sharing dinner with Zacchaeus who had fallen short but discovered new life around the table with Jesus (Luke 19:1-10)
podcastWednesday, March 16, 2022
Seven Signs of John-The Sign of the Feeding of the Multitude
In this story we look at the sign of Jesus feeding the multitude and how God meets our daly needs as well as challenges us to to share our gifts and talents that can do amazing things when blessed by God (John 6:1-14)
podcastFriday, March 11, 2022
Seven Signs of John-The Sign at the Pool of Bethesda
Like the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda, there are times when we feel paralyzed to take a step of faith, but Jesus sees our need and whispers to us to take a step of faith that can be life-changing (John 5:1-17)