Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day: The Greatest Gift

Mothers are such an important part of our lives.  Mothers give us many great gifts but what is the greatest gift?  And what is the greatest gift we can give back to our mothers? --by Dr TJ Jenney


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Discovering Jesus I AM The Bread Of Life I AM The Vine

John's Gospel helps us discover Jesus through some of the most up-close and personal encounters with Jesus.  Jesus statement, "I AM the Bread of Life" and "I AM the Vine"  offers some great truths for our lives today-by Dr T.J. Jenney


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Discovering Jesus: I AM the Good Shepherd

John's Gospel helps us discover Jesus through some of the most up-close and personal encounters with Jesus.  Jesus statement, "I AM the Good Shepherd,"  offers some great truths for our lives today-by Dr T.J. Jenney


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Discovering Jesus: I AM the Gate

John's Gospel gives us some of the most up-close and personal encounters with Jesus.  Jesus made seven "I AM" statements in John that reveal something special about him.  Jesus made the subtle but profound statement: "I AM the gate."  This truth has some rich implications for our lives today-by Dr T.J. Jenney


Monday, April 13, 2015

Discovering Jesus I AM The Light Of The World

Jesus made the profound statement: "I AM the light of the world."  What implications does that truth have for our lives today?-by Dr T.J. Jenney


Monday, April 6, 2015

Discovering Jesus: I AM The Resurrection And The Life

Easter reminds us of Jesus' profound statement: "I AM the resurrection and the life."  What does that mean?  And what difference does the resurrection make in our lives?  The truth is Jesus as the resurrection and the life can make all the difference in this world and in the world to come-by Dr T.J. Jenney


Easter Sunrise: Surprised by Joy

Easter Dawn brings an unexpected change of events that brings joy to Mary and the disciples.  We, too, can be surprised by joy-by Dr T.J. Jenney


Monday, March 30, 2015

Discovering Jesus: Coming King

Discover Jesus as the Coming King.  Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus' triumphal entrance into Jerusalem, as men, women, and children, laid palm branches down and shouted, "Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"  But it also teaches us some deep truths about Jesus and and his compassion and love for us.  In turn, it calls us to follow Jesus in a deeper way-by Dr T.J. Jenney


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Encouraging From The Cross: Acknowledging Our Own Needs

Based on the "Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross:"  Jesus last words from the cross provide powerful insights into facing the challenges and adversity of life.  Amid the suffering Jesus endured on the cross, Jesus acknowledges his own need in the simple phrase, "I thirst!"   We, too, should learn to acknowledge out own need--by Dr TJ Jenney


Monday, March 23, 2015

Discovering Jesus: Friend of Sinners

Discover Jesus as the Friend of Sinners.  Jesus reached out to people who were thought of as outcasts such as the woman at the well or a tax collector.  Do we feel that we are too far from God for the the love of Christ to reach us?  And do we feel others are unreachable for God's grace? These two stories offer deep truths for our hearts and lives-by Dr T.J. Jenney
